There’s No Political Intimidation In Salisbury!

To hear the sanctimonious members of the Mob at the Special Town Meeting two weeks ago exclaiming that there is not intimidation going on in Salisbury was hysterically funny. So funny I almost fell into the aisle of the church laughing.

For decades I have heard from terrified business owners that they do not dare register as a Republican because it will harm their business. They fear ever commenting on politics outside of their business and never put up yard signs at home for the Republican candidates they support. And there is no way they will put their signature on any petition in town. They have told me that Democrat customers have warned them that if they do not toe the politically correct line, their businesses will be destroyed.

Mike Flint had an interesting experience about two years ago when he was transacting business with the owner of one of the shops on Main Street in Salisbury. A man rushed into the store and demanded to know if he was the owner of the vehicle outside with GOP bumper stickers on it. Then the man berated the owner for allowing a Republican in the store and stated emphatically that he would never do business there ever again.

Salisbury employees and their relatives have for years described how much they fear losing their jobs or causing their relatives to lose a job, if they reveal in any way, shape or form support for any candidate other than the Democratic Party candidates. So they do not express any preference one way or another any place around town and certainly never put up a sign or put their signature on any petitions. They also make a point not to attend Town Meetings to vote on anything because they do not wish to be seen there, be asked probing, belligerent questions by the Democrats or accidentally have someone observe how they vote on any town issue.

We have noticed over the past year that Spanky in particular seems to make a habit of confronting people arriving at meetings and asking them what they are there for, who they are, what they are doing. He has even confronted Mr. Flint when he arrives at meetings with camcorder in hand to video the public meeting. Connecticut FOI law clearly states anyone can audio tape or video a public meeting. It is none of Spanky’s business what Mr. Flint or anyone else is doing attending a public meeting and there is no doubt in my mind that Spanky is very much aware that his behavior is intimidating to many people.

Today one of the collectors of signatures on the Petition for Referendum on the Code of Ethics and Ethics Commission, has been confronted by a handyman who does business in Salisbury. They came across each other outside a restaurant in Salisbury. The individual began screaming at the petition worker that he and other rich Republicans (News flash to low information voters: The majority of the wealth in this country is now controlled by Democrats and other Leftists) in town are going to make it impossible for him to get any more work from Town Hall because of the Code of Ethics. The loud and hostile man then went into the shop and began berating another familiar Salisbury Republican. Both of the individuals under attack are older, long term residents certainly deserving of common courtesy and respect. No one did anything to that man, the petition worker had not even approached him, but was set upon anyway.

I hope Diane Mayland, who commented as she was leaving the Special Town Meeting that she, herself, had never been intimidated, takes the time to read this and consider that perhaps she has no idea what she is talking about when it comes to other people being intimidated. The same goes for the other pompous people at that meeting who claimed they were “offended” by the suggestion anyone is intimidated in Salisbury. They either chose to ignore the reality or approve of it as good Saul Alinsky tactics.

Mr. Becket and Mr. Janelli, who spoke of this at the last Town Meeting, were appalled by the fear they heard when they were collecting signatures on the previous petition. They had never experienced it before and had been skeptics themselves, until they went out and met people about a simple referendum to allow as many folks in town to vote on the election ordinances as possible. The petition took no position on how anyone should vote, just that the largest number of people have the opportunity to participate. And people were terrified to sign it because they feared Democratic Party retaliation in one form or another, be it irate neighbors, children harassed at school, job loss, whispering campaigns, business boycotts, etc.

So I must thank the foolish handyman for creating a scene verging on Breach of Peace all over a similar petition asking for a referendum. He has provided additional, up-to-date proof of the political intimidation that goes on in Salisbury, as well as being a fine example of the ignorance of those opposed to the Code of Ethics and Ethics Commission.

The person he confronted had previously employed the man and obviously will never do so again. Furthermore, the handyman can rest assured that he has destroyed other employment opportunities by his out-of-control behavior, as his name is being passed around town as a lunatic not to be trusted in the homes or on the properties of Salisbury residents. A stupid, self-destructive move to have made that might make it even more difficult for him to be hired to do work for the town again in the future, as the safety of the officials and employees in our town buildings should be of utmost concern.

But then again, the powers that be might reward him with lots of additional work on Salisbury taxpayer’s dimes as a reward for doing the Democratic Party’s intimidation dirty work. Time will tell and anything is possible in Salisbury.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. JR
    Apr 09, 2013 @ 11:06:52



    • Kathy Lauretano
      Apr 09, 2013 @ 16:31:13

      Oh boy! Here we go with the Saul Alinsky tactic of demonizing the opposition! And all I had to do was state the facts of the matter with a little satirical humor. How predictable was that? I think JR is an angry person unable to deal with reality, striking out to destroy the messenger. What a grown up way to try and win a debate when you are intellectually bankrupt and have no factual or logical response to the sad evidence at hand. Tell me and the world that I am angry. How original….not.


    • Dana W. Scarpa
      Apr 11, 2013 @ 08:46:00

      I don’t think she is angry – more disappointed than anything. Both she and her husband work tireless hours for the betterment of our town; not just the Republicans and they are constantly bullied and ridiculed. I think people should open their blinders and see where this town continues to head.



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